Its decentralised nature had also led to reduced process standardisation overtime. Additionally, an unintuitive interface and the limitations of integrating with new technologies also reduced the university’s capacity to evolve and meet the dynamic needs of the modern education landscape.
The institution recognised the urgent need to overhaul its ERP system with a solution more suited to its evolving needs. This required developing a compelling business case to justify the transformation and envisioning a system that would meet future demands. The project also entailed supporting procurement activities associated with this technology shift. The overarching aim was to achieve a seamless transition to a digital-centric operating model, maximising potential benefits and incorporating innovative ERP solutions that would increase both staff and student satisfaction.
We started by firstly identifying the top critical processes and creating detailed user personas that represented various segments of the university community, to drive focus throughout the project.
We then moved into ideation sessions with core stakeholders. Those sessions consisted of building empathy with the identified personas through a deep understanding of their existing pains and underlying needs, leading to the mapping of ‘As-Is’ vs ‘To-Be’ user journeys. Specifically, the ‘To-Be’ scenarios were created to address the identified pain points
By centring the process around the real needs and experiences of its users, the university not only built a compelling business case and a strong case for change, but also effectively redesigned high-level processes to enhance operational efficiency.
The empathetic and iterative nature of design thinking facilitated a deep understanding of the users, ensuring that the functional requirements defined for the ERP system were genuinely grounded in real user needs, paving the way for a ERP solution that promises to be intuitive, efficient, and highly aligned with the university’s strategic goals.
You can read more about our Digital Consulting and design thinking services here.
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